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Our Story
With a focus on prioritising “people before profits”, Alliance Australia is an organisation that takes pride in offering an exceptional range of professional engineering and manufacturing services, and its mission to help the underprivileged communities of East Timor.
Alliance Australia was founded by qualified Mechanical Engineer Daniel Kranjec, after his experience conducting work on the ground in East Timor alongside the Australian Defence Force, SASR and UN. During this time Mr Kranjec was exposed to not only the corruption within local & international governments and not-for-profit organisations, but also the neglect by governments to help develop a sustainable and peaceful nation. These facts could simply not be ignored and were the driving force for Mr Kranjec to take action and form a Social Enterprise that would be 100% independent, free of corruption and focused on helping the people of East Timor one village at a time.
We choose to invest most of our profits into developing small projects in East Timor to help educate and employ people within these communities, and in addition to these investments, we also strive to employ local Australian engineering students looking for a head start in life. Most recently in December 2018, Alliance Australia was able to provide medical supplies, fresh food, water and gifts to villages in East Timor to help reduce the suffering over Christmas, without the need of large corporate donors, general public donations or government funding.